Responsify, the FREE Bootstrap-based Responsive Blogger Template

Mulyadi Subali, creator of Responsify, the FREE Responsive Blogger template
Greetings, fellow earthlings! My name is Mulyadi Subali. Just like some of you, I like to tinker with the computer and internet in my spare time. Somehow, in my exploration of the digital jungle, I wanted to make my blog responsive.

Although there are many responsive templates for Google Blogger out there, none of them, at least the ones I tried, lived up to my expectations. Mind you, I believe my expectations were quite reasonable. I just wanted a responsive template with clean design and simple code that can still render the native Blogger widgets usable.

Fortunately, I found Bootstrap. Just like the simplistic bootstrapping philosophy, Bootstrap provides simple code that is easily embedded into Blogger template to make it responsive, while preserving the use of its widgets.

Responsify, a FREE responsive template for Blogger, is created based on Bootstrap. With only 1,000+ lines of code, the template is lightweight and free of unnecessary JavaScript. Feel free to download Responsify, a Bootstrap-based responsive template, for your Blogger-powered blog. After you install it, you will find that you can still use the widgets and easily modify it accordingly.

I hope you will enjoy the template and find it useful for your blog. If you have any comment, question, or just want to say hi, please do so by using the comment function on the blog post, the contact form, or email me at